What are promotional codes?
A promotional code, or a promo code, is typically a mixture of letters and numbers that make up a specific unique code. Target audiences can copy their promotional code on ExpertVoice and insert it into a redirect brand's website during checkout to gain discounts on products or services, like free shipping. The goal of a discount code is to influence an expert to purchase from a brand's website when they are redirected from ExpertVoice. Typically, a brand will upload a batch or a bulk list of promotional codes for each incentive on ExpertVoice; however, promo code batches can be shared across different incentives. We recommend unique promo codes over generic consumer codes since they are less susceptible to abuse or fraud. By using codes, you have the option to limit the number of experts who may take part in a specific promotion.
Different promotional code statuses
To ensure your targeted experts avoid any shopping disruptions and increase orders at checkout, it's best practice to monitor the status of your codes.
Here are the different promotional code statuses to be aware of:
- No batches running low: You have enough promo codes for the experts targeted in your brand’s incentive based on your average 30-day redemption rate.
- No batches detected: You have not uploaded promo codes or have not uploaded them correctly to your ExpertVoice incentive.
- Running low: Based on your average 30-day redemption rate, you are running out of promo codes associated with one or more of your incentives. Send additional codes to stores@expertvoice.com as soon as possible.
- Expiring soon: Promo codes associated with one or more of your incentives are expiring within the next 60 days. You should extend or remove the expiration date of the remaining codes or send additional codes to stores@expertvoice.com as soon as possible. Inform your Customer Success Partner if you extend or remove the expiration date of the remaining codes.
- Exhausted: You have run out of promo codes associated with one or more of your incentives. Send additional codes to stores@expertvoice.com as soon as possible. The affected incentive(s) have been disabled because experts can no longer use your promo codes at checkout.
- Expired: Promo codes associated with one or more of your incentives have expired. Send additional codes to stores@expertvoice.com as soon as possible. The affected incentive(s) have been disabled because experts can no longer use your promo codes at checkout.
TIP: To ensure experts have a positive shopping experience, your redirect store may be temporarily shut down while you upload new codes (see the example screenshot below). Experts can opt-in to be notified when your brand has uploaded new codes by selecting the Notify me when online button. If no new promo codes are uploaded within six (6) months, your redirect store will be discontinued on the ExpertVoice Marketplace.
How can I check the status of promo codes?
There are a few different ways to monitor the status of your brand's promotional codes.
# 1. Sign up for automated email alerts
If your promo codes begin to run low or are exhausted, you and your ExpertVoice Customer Success partner will receive an automated email alert from ExpertVoice. You will get automated alerts notifying you that your codes may exhaust within 60 days, 30 days, ten days, or when no codes remain.
How to subscribe
- Visit the Advocacy Platform and click Configure
- Click Promo Code Status and select Manage Alerts in the top right-hand corner of the page
- Ensure the box is selected to receive automated alerts when your promo codes run low
- Click Save
TIP: The main code contact(s) at each ExpertVoice brand and their respective Customer Success partner are automatically subscribed to the email list to ensure the shopping experience operates successfully. If you have not shared your main code contact with ExpertVoice, your brand's main point of contact will receive the email. If there is neither contact listed, the email will not be delivered.
How to unsubscribe
There are two ways to unsubscribe from the automated weekly emails. Currently, there is no way to adjust the frequency of how often you receive the email.
- Visit the Advocacy Platform and click Configure
- Click Promo Code Status and select Manage Alerts at the top right-hand corner of the page (coming soon)
- Uncheck the box to unsubscribe from automated alerts when your promo codes run low
- Click Save
- When you receive the automated email from ExpertVoice, click unsubscribe at the bottom, which will direct you to the Advocacy Platform, where you can manage the alert
- Uncheck the box to unsubscribe from automated alerts when your promo codes run low
- Click Save
#2. Monitor your codes in Configure
- Visit the Advocacy Platform and click Configure
- Click Promo Code Status to see a high-level overview of the promotional code(s) your brand has uploaded to ExpertVoice incentive(s).
- No batches running low: You have a sufficient amount of promo codes in your incentive
- No batches detected: You have not uploaded promo codes or not uploaded them correctly to an incentive
- Batch running low: You are running out of promo codes in an incentive and should upload more
- Batch exhausted: You have run out of promo codes in an incentive and should upload more as soon as possible
#3. See a high-level overview in Libraries
- Visit the Advocacy Platform and click Libraries
- Click the Incentive Library and select one of the Promo Code filters in the left-hand menu to see which incentives have codes running low and/or are out of codes
- Click the three dots next to the incentive you wish to update and select Manage promo codes
- Click Upload Codes to insert a new batch of promo codes
Note: The ability to upload promo codes for experts is based on your subscription level and store type. Brand-managed redirect stores have the ability to upload promo codes. To request access to upload promo codes, please contact your Customer Success partner for more information.