The Featured Video Library is where you can publish videos about your brand that you wish to make public to all experts on ExpertVoice.
Videos uploaded to your Featured Video Library will appear on your brand page. Below are any campaigns currently running and any featured products that may appear on your ExpertVoice brand page. They do not end in a quiz or unlock your ExpertVoice incentive(s) access.
The videos uploaded here can be:
- Personalized with a title and description
- Categorized under a specific topic that you determine
- Organized in a specific order
Why update your Featured Video Library
Videos uploaded to the Featured Video Library can be a great way to communicate information about your brand to individuals that may not have access to your campaigns on ExpertVoice. In addition, videos uploaded to the Featured Video Library can supplement any campaigns that you are currently running on ExpertVoice.
These videos can be viewed by anyone who lands on your brand page, not just your target expert audience. The instructions below provide a step-by-step tutorial for uploading videos.
Update your Featured Video Library
- Visit Featured Video Library in the Library in the Advocacy Platform
- Add a topic to the Featured Video Library
- Add one or more videos to a topic
Visit the Featured Video Library
Featured videos can be uploaded to the Library.
Add a Topic to the Featured Video Library
You'll need to create at least one topic in your Featured Video Library. Topics can help you organize and structure videos by theme or content.
Click Add Topic to Library to start, then type in a video Topic Name.
- Example topic names include Spring 2023 Product Line, Must-Have Gear, or Backpacking 101
Add a video Topic Description. The description will show underneath the title on your brand page. Be sure to save the Topic when you are done.
Add a video to a Topic
- Once you create at least one topic, click Add Video to Topic on the Brand Video Topic tile.
On the Video Content page, add a Video Heading and a Video Description.
- Use bullet points to break up long paragraphs of text and make it more reader-friendly
- Use bold font sparingly to emphasize a keyword or phrase
- Use italics for personal quotes or to emphasize a keyword or phrase
- Under Video File, click Upload Video to select an existing video from your computer. Standard video files up to 2.0 GB are supported.
Select a video thumbnail
A video thumbnail is an image that shows your audience what your video is about. The thumbnail will be used as the preview image in the embedded player of the Video Lesson and should help the expert decide if they want to watch it.
- You can choose from one of three thumbnail options that the Advocacy Platform automatically generates or upload your own.
- You can replace or remove a thumbnail image after uploading it
- All custom thumbnail images must follow our Code of Conduct
If you upload a custom thumbnail image, it should be as large as possible. We recommend these guidelines:
- Have a minimum resolution of 1024x576
- Be uploaded in image formats such as JPG, GIF, or PNG
- Remain under the 2MB limit
- You can include text if you'd like, but keep in mind a play button icon will be located in the center of the video
Previewing your video
- Once the video is uploaded, click Desktop and Mobile to preview what the video will look like on these devices. Uploading a video might take a few seconds, depending on the file size and your Internet connection speed.
Under Publication Status, select when you would like the video to be published.
- Published: This video will be made available to experts.
- Not Published: This video will be hidden from experts.
Click Save to finish. Your video(s) will now appear on your ExpertVoice brand page underneath the section titled Brand Videos.
Helpful tips
- When you upload a video, the video file is uploaded to ExpertVoice and processed for streaming delivery over the web. Higher resolutions, such as 4K or 1080p, can take more time to process.
- The maximum video upload size is 2 gigabytes (GB) – consider uploading a video that is lower resolution.
- When you publish a video, the video is made available for all experts to watch on your ExpertVoice brand page.
- Rewards or incentives are not provided to experts for viewing the videos in your video library.
- To add more videos to a topic, click the “+” or “⠇” buttons.
- To edit video details, unpublish a video, or delete a video from a topic, click the “⠇” button on your Featured Video Library page.