Segments are a way to divide the target audience of your Product Sampling Campaign into smaller, more manageable groups of experts based on similar characteristics, such as their geographic location, demographic, or behavior.
In the Segments step, you can take two general approaches to create audience segments: specific or broad. Neither is inherently superior to the other.
- If you only have one segment listed, all approved experts will receive the same message and activity instructions
- If you create multiple segments, these expert groups can receive different messages about the activities they need to complete.
The approach you choose depends on what you're trying to accomplish, how personalized you want the expert experience to be, and if you have enough time to write separate activity-related instructions for each segment type.
How to create a segment
Note: These instructions assume you began the process of creating a Product Sampling Campaign in the Advocacy Platform and are on the Segments step.
- Insert a Segment Name to describe the segment you’re about to create
- 256 characters maximum
- The Segment Name is only visible to you, and experts won't be automatically told what segment they are in
- Consider a simple name to describe your segment (Example: USA-based Experts, Female Experts, Product 1, etc)
- Insert the Target Size, the total number of experts you estimate will be approved for this segment after looking over their applications and approving them into your campaign.
- This number is used for organizational purposes only and is not expert-facing. Ideally, the segment target size should match how many experts you add to each segment when you are ready to approve experts for your campaign.
- Click Add Segment if you would like to add another segment
- There is no limit to the total number of segments you create
- If you add more than one segment, ensure you have enough time to create separate personalized messaging for each segment you make
- Click Save & Continue
Note: A segment is generally limited to a single Product Sampling Campaign. However, it is possible to turn a segment into an audience after the conclusion of your campaign. This will allow you to target those specific experts for future campaigns.
Tips and Best Practices
- You can and should add each expert to a segment when you approve them
Segments could be based on the product you’re sending or by other criteria – such as different groups of experts in various geographic locations, their demographics, and more
Experts are automatically added to that segment if you only have one segment listed
Experts are assigned to a segment when they are approved. Once an expert is approved into a segment, they cannot be moved to another segment.
Using segments to manage your campaign
You can view a high-level applicant progress bar of how many experts have been approved for each segment. The segment Target Size is the total number the progress bar is based on. You can track your progress to see how many experts have been approved for each segment on this tab within the Campaign Manager. You can also filter the list of applicants by "Segment" using the filter criteria in the left-hand menu.
View a high-level shipment progress bar of how many experts in each segment have a product "In Transit" or "Received." The segment Target Size is the total number the progress bar is based on. You can also filter the list of approved experts by "Segment" using the filter criteria in the left-hand menu to see which experts have received their product, the tracking link, and any alternate shipping information provided.
Filter the list of approved experts by "Segment" using the filter criteria in the left-hand menu to see which experts have completed each of your outlined activities. For example, track that experts confirmed that they received the product, gained experience, shared a photo on ExpertVoice, shared a review on ExpertVoice, and/or posted a photo on Instagram.