The Campaign Engagements Over Time Report is a vertical bar chart in Analytics that shows a high-level overview of the total number of experts who engage with a brand through campaigns and communities over time on ExpertVoice. The horizontal axis at the bottom represents the date range of interest, and the vertical axis to the left of the chart reports a specific engagement display metric, either Unique Experts Engaged or all Engagements.
This report helps brands monitor their monthly total expert engagements, which they can compare to the total amount initially forecasted in their ExpertVoice Solution.
Note: All brands can access this report, but the data is most valuable for day-to-day contacts monitoring total billable engagements, such as the Program Manager, Accounting, or Finance.
How to access the report
- Visit Analytics in the Advocacy Platform
- Click Add Reports to Dashboard
- Click Campaign Engagements Over Time and then drag and drop it to your preferred analytics dashboard
- Insert a name for your new report
- Default text: Campaign Engagements Over Time
- 255 characters maximum
Click the report title or the three dots on the report's right side to expand the options drop-down menu. You can explore the information, rename, duplicate, remove it from your dashboard, or view the report description here.
How to visualize and examine the data
The following tips can help you analyze the report in greater detail and visualize the data in ways that best suit your needs.
The default view
The default view shows monthly data and unique experts engaged over the past 12 months. To view weekly or daily data, click the + sign at the bottom left-hand corner of the chart. To view quarterly or yearly data, click the – sign. To see all total engagements (not unique), use the Switch Display filter at the bottom right-hand corner of the filter menu.
The bars
You can click your cursor over a color on a bar and click it to see how many experts engaged with your brand from a specific team (e.g., Retail only) during this time. To return the total sum of all experts engaging with your brand during a particular period, click your mouse at the top or bottom of a bar and drag it to the other end.
The filters
Use the filters at the right of the report to focus on specific status characteristics or narrow your view. You can select one or more filters to customize your report. Click Save Report to save your filters.
Engagement Type:
- (All): All of the engagement types below
- Activities Completed: The total number of experts who completed at least one of your brand's activities in an Activity Campaign
- Challenges Completed: The total number of experts who participated in at least one of your brand's challenges in a Challenge Campaign
- Community Applications: The total number of experts who applied to at least one of your brand's communities
- Education Engagements: The total number of experts who started at least one of your brand's lessons in an Education or Education and Seeding Campaign
- Gratis Products Received: The total number of experts who received at least one of your brand's free products ($0 subtotal order) in a Seeding or Education and Seeding Campaign
- Product Sampling Applications: The total number of experts who applied to at least one of your brand's Product Sampling Campaigns
- Surveys Completed: The total number of experts who completed at least one of your brand's Survey Campaigns
- (All): All of the audiences
- Custom: e.g., members of your ExpertVoice Community
- Pro & Retail: Experts affiliated with Professional Organizations and Retailers
- Pro Only: Experts affiliated with Professional Organizations only
- Retail Only: Experts affiliated with Retailers only
- (All): All of the campaign names
- Null: Not relevant based on the selected report filters
- A specific campaign name
- (All): All of the team names
- Null: Not relevant based on the selected report filters
- A specific team name
- (All): All of the country names listed
- Null: Not relevant based on the selected report filters
- A specific country name
- (All): All of the state names listed
- Null: Not relevant based on the selected report filters
- A specific state and/or province name
Current Reporting Label:
- (All): All of the dealer list reporting labels listed
- Null: Not relevant based on the selected report filters
- A specific dealer list reporting label
Relative Engagement Date: View the data by years, quarters, months, weeks, or days
Custom Engagement Date: Select the date range you want to view the data for
Switch Display:
- Unique Experts Engaged: The total number of individual experts who engage with your brand's campaigns and/or communities on ExpertVoice
- Engagements: The total number of times experts engaged with your brand's campaigns and/or communities on ExpertVoice; an expert can engage with your brand more than once
The report summary
A high-level snapshot of the data represented in the report will populate beneath the chart. The report summary numbers may change if you change one or more report filters or if the data refreshes.
- Unique Annual Experts: The total number of experts engaging with your campaigns and/or communities, engagements, teams, and locations during the selected time range.
- Total Unique Monthly Experts: The total number of unique experts who engage with your brand's campaigns and/or communities on ExpertVoice.
- Time Range: The date range selected in the report filter(s).
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- How frequently does the report update? The report is currently updated twice a day.
- What should I do if any metric appears to need to be corrected? Please get in touch with your Customer Success partner to audit your report.
- What are the best practices for monitoring this report? You can learn more here.
- What if I need help finding order or sales data? This data only appears for brands with a hosted store or redirect store with a Pixel implemented for their Seeding or Education and Seeding Campaign(s)
- How can my brand access other ExpertVoice campaign types? Please contact your Account Executive for more information or learn more here.
- What reports will be updated to reflect the above Engagement definitions? The ExpertVoice Business Intelligence Team will update the Performance by Event Report and Education Behavior-focused reports in the future.
- How should I adjust the forecasted engagements in my original ExpertVoice Solution? Please reach out to your Account Executive for more information.