The Conversion Over Time Report in Analytics helps brands better understand the high-level overview of how experts are engaging with their program. This bar chart shows the breakdown of platform activity by unique experts engaged and includes visits, lessons completed, orders placed and recommendations shared. This report can be filtered to hosted stores or redirect stores (see the filters section below for more details).
How to access the report
- Visit Analytics in the Advocacy Platform
- Navigate to the dashboard you’d like to add it to
- Then click Add Reports to Dashboard
- Click Conversion Over TIme and then drag and drop it to your preferred analytics dashboard
- Insert a unique name for your new report
- 255 characters maximum
- Default text: Conversion over time
- Click the name to explore the report
There are 2 different display views offered, a horizontal or a stacked view. For the horizontal view, the horizontal axis at the bottom of the chart represents the display metric chosen and the vertical axis to the left of the chart lists the measurable metrics. For the stacked view, the horizontal axis at the bottom of the chart represents overtime data while the vertical represents the display metric chosen.
You can filter the report by a predefined date range or a custom date. Click Save Report to save your filters.
Hover your cursor over the bar chart and click a metric to view a summary.
In Analytics, select a report title and click the three dots on the right of the report title to either explore the report, rename, duplicate, or remove it from your dashboard or view the report description.
Measurable Metrics
- Unique Campaign Visitors
- Unique Store Visitors
- Unique Experts Engaging
- Unique Experts Ordering
- Unique Experts Recommending
Use the filters at the right of the report to focus on specific status characteristics or narrow your view. You can select one or more filters to customize your report.
Display Views
- Horizontal Graph: the horizontal axis at the bottom of the chart represents the number of expert orders or redirects and the vertical axis to the left of the chart lists the specific metric being measured.
- Stacked Graph: the horizontal axis at the bottom of the chart represents the relative activity date selected and the vertical axis to the left of the chart represents the number of expert orders or redirects. The stacked display view allows you to view the data month by month.
Note: Click the + sign at the bottom to drill down further into the data. The best practice is to duplicate this report + save each display view.
Display Metrics
- Experts Ordering (Hosted Stores)
- Experts Redirecting (Redirect Stores)
Relative Activity Date
Use the Relative Purchase Date filter to view the data by years, quarters, months, weeks or days
Custom Activity Date
Use the Custom Activity Date slider bar to select the data range you would like to view the data for. Click the date above the slider bar to open the calendar view to select a start and end date from which you would like to view the data.
Examine and visualize the data
Here are example factors that could impact your brand's results in the Conversion Over Time Report:
- Launching new content
- Updating your audience
- Participating in promo media
Best Practices:
- Use the stacked view to see how promotional media performed (look for lifts)
- Use the stacked view to compare events (media, discount change, lesson launch, campaign launch, anything that will impact performance)
- To visualize conversion for a different time period, hover over the bottom left of the graph, when you see the "+" sign click to further expand the data
Set up report alerts
Below the report, click Alerts to create an alert based on a specific numeric metric. For example, if you would like to be notified when 500 unique experts engage with your brand, click the metric on the horizontal axis, and then on the popup notification, select the condition "above or equal to" a threshold of "500".
You will receive an email when your data meets these conditions and you can customize who it's sent to, the email frequency, format, and more. Learn more about alerts here.
Schedule report emails
Below the report, click Subscribe to receive an email to this report. You can customize who it's sent to, the email frequency, format, and more.
Download the report
Below the report, click Download to download the data as an image, CSV file, PDF, or Tableau workbook.
TIP: If any metric appears to be incorrect, please contact your Customer Success partner to audit your report.
- Order and Sales data only appear for brands with a hosted store or redirect store on ExpertVoice for their Seeding Campaign.
- Educational data only appears for brands that launch an Education Campaign.