The Sale Over Time Report in Analytics helps brands that view the overall performance of experts ordering or store redirect behavior with your brand over a specific period of time. If you have a Hosted store, this report can be broken down by sales placed, order volume or unique experts ordering. If you have a managed-service redirect store or brand-managed redirect store, this report can be broken down by redirect clicks or unique experts redirecting to your e-commerce site.
The horizontal axis at the bottom of the chart represents over-time data, while the vertical (Y axis) can be adjusted to show display metrics (e.g., sales placed).
Note: Sales totals are based on hosted orders placed, not orders processed. Please don't use this report to settle finances, since this data does not reflect cancellations and refunds.
How to access the report
- Visit Analytics in the Advocacy Platform
- Please navigate to the dashboard you’d like to add it to
- Then click Add Reports to Dashboard
- Click Sales Over Time and then drag and drop it to your preferred analytics dashboard
Insert a unique name for your new report
- 255 characters maximum
- Default text: Sales Over Time
- Click the name to explore the report
You can filter the report by a number of different metrics such as: audience, date range, custom date, or even a specific category or product. See the filters section of this article for more information about the available filters. Click Save Report to save your filters.
Hover your cursor over the bar graph and click a specific month to view a summary/breakdown of different sales metrics during that month.
In your Analytics dashboard, click the three dots on the right of the report to either explore the report, rename, duplicate or remove it from your dashboard or view the report description.
Use the filters at the right of the report to focus on specific status characteristics or narrow your view. You can select one or more filters to customize your report.
All – The industry professionals, retail sales associates, and enthusiasts included in your target audience
Pro Only – The industry professionals included in your target audience
Retail Only – The retail sales associates included in your target audience
All – The industry professionals, retail sales associates, and enthusiasts included in your target audience
Or -Individually select different retail locations or professional teams that have purchased from your brand
Campaign - Campaigns help your brand connect with target experts on ExpertVoice and strengthen their knowledge; an Education Campaign appears on the report on the first date your lesson has greater than or equal to 10 total experts attempting it; all other campaigns appear on the report on the first day it is launched
Store Name - The name of your managed service or brand-managed redirect store. Store name filter allows you to filter by either your Pro or Retail facing store. You can also filter to see sales data during limited-time offers under the Store Name tab.
Category Name - Filter to see sales data for general product categories (e.g., Gloves, Pants, shorts, etc.) Categories may differ depending on the brands product offering.
Product - Filter to see sales data for specific products.
Country – Filter between different countries' sales data. (Expertvoice is currently only offered in the United States and Canada)
State - Filter to see sales data by state
Current Reporting Label - Filter sales data by Current Reporting Label to keep track of sales numbers coming in from retail locations with custom labels added to your dealer list.
Current Brand Reps - Filter sales data by Current Brand Reps to keep track of sales numbers coming in from different brand representatives' retail locations.
Relative Purchase Date - Use the Relative Purchase Date filter to see sales data by years, quarters, months weeks, or day’s
Custom Purchase Date - Use the custom purchase date slider bar to select the data range you would like to view sales data from. Click the date above the slider bar to open the calendar view to select a start and end date from which you would like to view sales data.
Switch Display Metric – Click the switch display metrics to view a drop-down of different data fields to filter by.
Sales Places (USD) - The total number of orders placed by US dollars
Orders Volume - The total number of orders placed by volume. (Order Volume data is only available for hosted store experiences)
Unique Experts Ordering - The total number of Unique Experts who have purchased from your brand (Unique Experts Ordering data is only available for hosted store experiences)
Redirect Clicks - Number of redirect clicks from your managed-service or brand-managed redirect store to your e-commerce site
Unique Experts Redirecting - Number of experts redirecting from your managed-service or brand-managed redirect store to your e-commerce site for purchase
Visualize and examine the data
You can use the following tips to analyze the report in greater detail and visualize the data in ways that best meet your needs.
Hover over the origin of where the X & Y Axis meet to show a hidden plus and minus sign. Click the plus or minus signs to expand or reduce the data shown within the graph.
- Hover your cursor over a select bar within the chart. A preview of the numerical data within the bar will be displayed in a preview box with a list of metrics. (Sales Placed, Product Units, Orders Placed, Unique Experts, Teams, Locations, Redirect Clicks)
A list of the report's total metrics in relation to the parameters it is currently set to is displayed in the bottom left-hand corner.
- These metrics will adjust as you change the filters on the right-hand side of the report.
These metrics include
- Total Sales Dollars
- Product Units Sold
- Number of Orders
- Number of Experts Ordering
- Number of Products Sold
- Number of Teams that have purchased
- Number of Locations that have purchased
- Redirect Clicks (only applicable for redirect store experiences)
A list of the report's total metrics in relation to the parameters it is currently set to is displayed in the bottom left-hand corner.
Note: You can use this report to measure the overall order or redirect performance
Best Practices
Use this report to measure the order performance of:
- specific audience group(s)
- a specific product(s) or product group(s)
- specific campaign(s) or stores
Monitor how different discounts, campaigns and products are performing.
Example factors that could impact a brand's results in this report
- Audience size
- Campaign launches
- Lesson launches
- Promotional Media
- Seasonality
- Pricing
- Order Rules/Limits
- Inventory
- Product offering (count)
- Product type - Repeat purchases vs considered purchase (EX: beacon vs. socks)
- Shipping rates
- Redirect code parameters (refresh cadence or singular instance)
Note: Do not use this report to settle finances.
Brands can cross-reference data found in the Sales Over Time Report and see how it correlates with Education Over Time Report
Additional insights:
- A spike is a short-term change that can be positive based on the brand's program objectives. One or more events may cause a spike. Content Launches, Promotional Media, Inventory, and seasonality are all events that potentially cause spikes or increases in sales.
- A step is a sudden and persistent change in expert activity over time. For example, if inventory availability suddenly increases and there is high demand for the product(s), sales may sharply increase and remain steady over time in the report.
- A decline is a short-term change that can be negative, neutral, or positive based on the brand's program objectives; a decline may be caused by one or more events. For example, a brand may see a decline in its Sale Over Time Report if they haven't launched a new campaign or run promotional media in a few months.
Set up report alerts
Below the report, click Alerts to create an alert based on a specific numeric event or axis in the chart. For example, if you would like to be notified when 100 experts engage with your brand on a specific date, click the vertical axis, and then on the popup notification, select the Condition "above or equal to" a threshold of "100".
You will receive an email when your data meets these conditions. You can customize who it's sent to, the frequency, format, and more. Learn more about alerts here.
Schedule report emails
Below the report, click Subscribe to receive an email to this report. You can customize who it's sent to, the email frequency, format, and more.
Download the report
Below the report, click Download to download the data as an image, CSV file, PDF, or Tableau workbook.
TIP: If any metric appears to be incorrect, please contact your Customer Success partner to have your report audited.
- Order and Sales data only appear for brands with a hosted store or redirect store on ExpertVoice for their Seeding Campaign.
- Educational data only appears for brands that launch an Education Campaign.